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Jennifer is an an amazing, insightful, inspired guide to remembering who you really are. She is a loving, compassionate, teacher and healer that is total joy to be around.

In 2015, after years of my own personal work on my "stuff" I reached a point in my life where I knew it was time to ask for help. I had counseling sessions with all kinds of therapists in my life, I had prayer with several practitioners for weeks and weeks but I knew I needed more help connecting all I knew practically with all I had learned spiritually and that I was very aware I needed a gentle guidance to get me to the other side. Everything was crumbling around me, my dating life, my career, even the place I " thought " was secure living in and I mean everything was crumbling.  I had learned from Rev Michael that yes, things will begin to shatter, and some days I was even having trouble just breathing. I was very afraid.

In her space and in her presence I immediately felt safe. There was no holding back with her, I could share anything without any judgement, I was free to let it all out and some of things I shared actually even surprised me how honest I was with myself.

Even now I can still feel a peaceful calming, knowing,  compassionate place inside myself from my time spent with Jennifer that still guides me today in my new adventures we call life. It's a warm rush of acceptance, love and knowing that all is well without blame, shame or guilt for any part of my life or the decisions that I "thought" I brought on myself. I was incredibly hard on myself but I found that the old habits and "comfort levels " were changing as I had requested up to this point. Being around Jennifer and in her sessions I can feel just a gentle shift of my awareness and how to be much easier on myself and manifest new choices. Let me tell you too that WOW new choices are so exciting and flow through so fast, hang on its as fun as you have heard!

Jennifer is amazing, loving, compassionate gentle guide and I know you will be so pleased that you have chosen to be with her on this amazing life path we call life.

Peace and richest blessings,
- S


Jennifer opened a window for me - I knew it was there I just wasn't sure how to breathe the fresh air ....

It started with a conversation - I was seeking a way to embrace the path, open my heart and mind, but honestly I wasn't totally sure how do it.

She made it easy - she suggested that I breathe deeply, open my heart, set an intention - and before I could close my heart I had already flown out the window. That's where the magic happens 💗

She has provided me the space and time to explore the questions and explore the answers my heart knew all along

She listens to me, really listens - not only to my words - each and every one of them - she also has the special gift to listen to what my heart is trying to reveal.

And then we talk - deeply, honestly and without judgment she listens.

That's a gift - when was the last time you really had that experience?  it's been a game changer for me.

I put aside the time - to connect with her - we pray, laugh, cry, and mostly we are REAL together and my heart lightens along the way. It always falls in completion and I always feel that I have revealed a secret ...that was deep inside my soul.

It's a gift that experience each and every time we connect - it's like:

Breathing fresh air

Walking through a field of flowers

Floating in a pink bubble

Being hugged by God

Having a friend put your arm around your shoulders

Taking a shovel and digging into the earth

Meeting with Jennifer - is a wonderment.

I highly recommend it - it changes everything.

- H